6 definitions by bigppn1gg4

An ethnostate in which the population is strictly made up of gamers.
Gamers are the most oppressed group in the world! We need a Gamer Ethnostate to protect our race and culture!
by bigppn1gg4 April 8, 2020
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Short for authoritarian. It is a derogatory term, used as an insult against people who hold authoritarian views.
Person 1: The government should monitor internet traffic and arrest people for suspicious activity.
Person 2: Ok authie.
by bigppn1gg4 September 20, 2021
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Sounding is the act of inserting a metal rod into your urethra. Sounding tubes are meant to be used medically, but some people figured out that they experience sexual pleasure from the act. The reason for this being that the sounding tube can reach very sensitive parts inside your penis that, if stimulated, can create some very intense orgasms.
I tried sounding for the first time and it felt better than having sex for the first time!
by bigppn1gg4 May 9, 2020
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Any piece of hardware and/or software that implements features that invade their user's privacy, usually with the intent of catching them doing something illegal. This could be anything from A.I.s scanning for exploitive pictures of children on your device, to your phone's microphone recording the conversations you have with your friends in real life, to even bots that report you to the authorities for posting edgy memes on social media. Depending on the country, the consequences of being snitched on by big tech can either be none at all, or life ruining.
Example 1:
In the 1980s, Xerox developed machine identification code that every printer hides on printed pieces of paper. This code can be used to trace the printed piece of paper back to the printer it came from. Xerox created snitchware.

Example 2:
Apple implemented an A.I. to their phones that will scan your images in your icloud and compare them to a database of known CP. If the A.I. finds a potential match, it will automatically report you to the authorities. Apple created snitchware.
by bigppn1gg4 September 6, 2021
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Someone who is a fascist and is also a closet homo, aka, all fascists.
Person 1: The government is corrupt, which is why we need to ban gun rights, ban free speech, ban free trade-
Person 2: Shut up fagscist.
by bigppn1gg4 May 3, 2020
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The thing that separates the internet. It's both the most loved thing ever and the most hated thing ever of all time.
person 1: Hey you guys seen this anime called Kobayashi's Dragon Maid? Kanna is so uguu kawaii~
person 2: UwU
person 3: I hope you both die in a fucking car crash
by bigppn1gg4 December 13, 2019
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