2 definitions by bigboyoroon

A minecraft server, which is used as a front for a Cult of idiots ran by two British people, stridey and roon. Often griefed, and reverted.
Person 1 - "Hey, I heard you joined VintageMC?"
Person 2 - "Yeah! It's really fun!"
Person 1 - "uhhh, you know its a cult right?"
Person 2 - "Whaaat? No it's not..."
by bigboyoroon November 30, 2019
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roon is an insult to use whenever someone is staring blankly into space, like a Roon Mask.
Friend: "Man, what's (redacted) doing?"
Redacted: *stares off into space*
Friend 2: "Ah ignore him, he's just being a bit of a roon innit"
by bigboyoroon September 26, 2019
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