3 definitions by big thicc ass

Literally short for “my dick wet”. Mostly used by very horny people or people in group chats with nothing else to say when the conversation dries up.
(Usually over text)
Girl: “I’m gonna step on you!!”
Guy: “mdw”

Group chat:
User A: “So how’s your guys day going?”
User B: “mdw”
by big thicc ass January 18, 2023
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big 𝘀𝘄𝗲𝘁-ee nuht sak

1. A variety of nutsack, usually belonging to the big and sweaty family


2. When your nutsack is very big and very sweaty.

3. What your imaginary girlfriend calls your imaginary nutsack.


4. An expression said when you hurt yourself
(Noun) Dude, check out my big sweaty nutsack! I've been working on it all week!
(Adjective) Hey, that guy's nutsack is really big and sweaty! Lets go talk to him!
(Interjection) Damn-big sweaty nutsack! I just stubbed my toe on your moms fat ass!
by big thicc ass October 12, 2021
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A frogge biþ a smale beaste wiþ foure leggeys, whiche liueþ boþe in þe water and on londe. It is ofte tyme broune or grene or yelowe; or be it tropyckal, he may liue in trees and haue dyuers coloures lyk reed, blewe, and blak. It haþ longys and guilles boþe. His frounte two feet have four tos and his bak two feet have fif tos. Þes tos stiken wele to wode, rocke and glas. Froggen moste be in þe water to spawne. Þe frogge haccheþ from an ey and it þanne becomen a tadpolle. It groweþ to þanne a frogge, iþ it be nought eten. Som male frogges maken loude souns wiþ þeire mouþs foro femelles. Wen male frogges maken loud sounds for to make þeimselves knowen to femmelles, som þe femmelles refusen.

Everich frogge ets smalle bogges und a lyk crikets, fliys, and wurms as mete. Þei haue tungs þat ben longe and holden faste to quarrie so it doþ not escaipe. A frogge may be founde in all contynens excepte Antartika.

Frogges biþ breþren wiþ toades. Toades biþ muchel lyk froggen wiþ drye þicke sken. Som folk þynke þat ye kan geten weartes from toades, but þis is nae trewe.
Look at that Wp/enm/Frogge
by big thicc ass January 27, 2021
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