1 definition by biddickryan

Yahir is a mexican boy with a nice personality. Yahir is an amazing person with a big heart. He likes to play soccer and talk to those he loves. He is a really funny guy who can genuinely make you laugh by the things he says , and the stupid things he does. Yes he may have made a few quite mistakes, but he admits when he is wrong and tries to get everything back to how it was.. if not even better. Yahir makes a great boyfriend. He will check up on you and your mother would love him. He is always worrying on you and only you. You would be the center of his attention and he would just try to make the best out if anything. Not only does he make a good parter, but also a great best friend. He will understand and comprehend you. He owns up to his mistakes and takes blame for them, and he will always try to make you happy. He will always show his emotions and yet would understand your view. Overall Yahir is a good person you should really try to find.
Don’t you know Yahir? He is amazing.
by biddickryan November 23, 2021
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