4 definitions by bichlasagnabich

The opposite of high key. Basically just not very showy. If someone thinks you are low key kinda hot, it means that they find you quite attractive but you are very subtle about being attractive. You almost don't know it.
"Damn, Henry is Low key kinda hot," said lila
by bichlasagnabich June 16, 2020
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a phrase that is usually overused by idiots
"well... FUN STUFF" said Lila Graves. "Bruh can you stop saying that you are such an imbecile" said Maxwell Harries Clarke
by bichlasagnabich June 24, 2020
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Size does not matter. Max is big in spirit. That's all that matters. He is a great overall human being and enjoys long walks on the beach. Everyone who knows him loves him. He's athletic, he's taller than most first graders, and loves the smell of gasoline. Maxwell Harris Clarke is the kind of person you want to be around.
Maxwell Harris Clarke is super epic
by bichlasagnabich June 19, 2020
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