2 definitions by bean13

he/him or he/him/his are pronouns that are used to refer to someone in the third person. he/him is usually used by men or non-binary people but can also be used by women (usually lesbians). he/him are the default pronouns used by AMAB people and used by most men.
example use of he/him pronouns:
person 1: Hey did you see Sam's new hair?
person 2: Oh, yeah! I did his hair looks great.
person 1: I really like the new cut of him.
person 2: definitely, he looks great.
by bean13 September 21, 2020
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a waterproof sheet

often made of plastic or waxed cotton
hey, can you get the tarp to cover the woodpile?

we should put a tarp on the tent

I just got a new tarp from the store
by bean13 September 21, 2020
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