4 definitions by bc0r

To have ones skin burned in such a way to resemble bacon, or David Dickinson.

Similar to sun burn, but the man version, so incomprehensibly painful.

Sources of baconation include -

The sun
Sun beds, which chavs use
high dose radiation (its not fun)
general tomfoolery
Despite putting tonnes of sun cream on, liberally at the beach in a vain effort to show of my GUNS... I got totally baconated, still I put on a good show. Worth it.
by bc0r August 22, 2014
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Similar to the word participation. but of a far, far lesser level.

Often awarded as a kind of "well done for being substandard" award, which no one really wants... but seems to get given anyway in today’s society.
I gave Lou a particaption award for her effort in Russian class the other day. I realised this was in fact a spelling mistake, but to be honest I couldn’t really be bothered to change it. Plus, I really don’t think she deserved the genuine thing. No one really wants one anyway; it’s like a slap in the face for being "special".
by bc0r September 6, 2013
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A small unit of measurement, sometimes annoyingly so.

Almost miniscule, like an award for participation.
I was supposed to do some work last night, but all I could manage was a Purdy.
by bc0r August 26, 2013
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To win against, or outsmart someone of a questionable mental capacity.
So I had to phone one of those annoying call centres the other day, but I totally winmong'd the guy on the other end
by bc0r August 21, 2013
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