1 definition by basione

When the reason behind your laughter is a mystery...

This may lead to the conception of Lolomancy being another school in magic that deals with everything lol and rofl.
Basically, granting its practitioners, the Lolomancers, a huge arsenal of spells from roflblasting a person to conjuring lolocausts, lollercoasters or entities like lollerfish, lollypants, roflcoptermobile, roflsaurus, roflberry pwncakes, ...
Gentleman: Excuse me, sir! If I may ask the time?

*Lolomancer casts lollylopzkizmal*


Another Gentleman: Watch out, honey! This must be Lolomancy!

Honey: ...

Another Gentleman: Oh, right. Honeys don't talk.
by basione February 2, 2010
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