4 definitions by bakusgarbagedumpofknowledge

noun that refers to the fear of almost FUCKING EVERYTHING, similarly to H.P. Lovecraft's inspiration source
That por soul's suffering from quasipanphobia
by bakusgarbagedumpofknowledge March 19, 2020
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Term used in the hololive community to refer to or describe someone who is inhumanely stupid, and a pervert without shame
by bakusgarbagedumpofknowledge January 4, 2021
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romaji for a japanese kanji meaning grass, used in a similar manner to "lol", "lmao", "rofl", keymashing is some cases, or "www" (the last one of these being the very source of kusa's use due to the w's "resembling grass"). primarily used in communities with strong, notorious ties to or heavily driven by japan but that also count with a western following.
*in response to Kureiji Ollie simping for any other hololive talent*
Half the chat when Ollie inevitably gets rejected: KUSA
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