2 definitions by ayooobubbbb

The first word that comes to anyones mind when they are hungry
1: “ hey whats up?”
2: “ Chicken”
1:” ummm what”
2” sorry im hungry
by ayooobubbbb February 3, 2019
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Hawyeeyeehaw is the most advanced version of yeehaw. Theres multiple levels. First is yeehaw, the most basic level, then youve got hawyee, the medium level. After that youve got waheey, which is yeehaw backwards. Finally, you have hawyeeyeehaw. This is the hardest to find a use to use it in a sentence without the person youre talking to dropping dead on the floor
Person one: hey whats up!
Person two: hey! Hawyeeyeehaw!
Person one: * falls *
by ayooobubbbb February 3, 2019
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