4 definitions by axolotldoesstuff_0

A phone that is considered worse than other phones for reasons such as having a very tiny storage space, a smaller screen, not being able to download most apps, etc.
person 1: i just found my old dumbphone
person 2: is it really that bad to be called a dumbphone?
person 1: yes, it has 16GB storage space, takes way too long to load websites, apps that can be downloaded usually dont work, doesnt have emojis, and finally-
person 2: that is definitely a dumbphone, i am sorry for saying its not.
by axolotldoesstuff_0 January 9, 2022
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a new question to ask random people just to confuse them

whats the most square like color between 8-41 in the alphabet? is a better question than whats your favorite number in the alphabet
person 1: whats the most square like color between 8-41 in the alphabet?
person 2: my favorite is sad
person 1: i prefer hamster
by axolotldoesstuff_0 February 9, 2022
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The reason your youtube video was taken down. 3 seconds of a copyrighted song? Taken down. An edited version of a small clip of a copyrighted video or movie? Taken down.

Nobody likes it.
person 1: my video got copyright striked for 3 seconds of a song
person 2: sometimes copyright is garbage
person 1: yes
by axolotldoesstuff_0 February 9, 2022
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