1 definition by ashtonduhman13

OMFG if you are blessed with this girl you better never let her go. She may be competitive and get mad easy but she comes around. If you upset her she might ignore you so ask her what's wrong immediately she is sweet and pretty and she will always make you laugh. If your down she will be there for you and she is a friend until the end love her with all your heart. She is not easily persuaded and she does what is best for others around her. She doesn't like to be wrong and she loves to argue. She does not lie often unless it is for a good reason or the sake of someone else. Lanie's will make history one way or another. Lanies are chatty, smart, competitive, hard-headed, pretty, sweet and friendly. Lanies love to speak in front of someone they are outgoing but hate being the center of attention. They make very few friends but those friends are close. She always tries to make amens no matter what happened. She can hold a grudge FOREVER but she is quick to forgive if you have a Lanie be her friend forever and if you ever let her go it is the worst mistake you could make.
Dang I love Lanie sooo much and I will never let her go!
by ashtonduhman13 May 15, 2019
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