1 definition by arniezee

Arnold is a name associated with power and awesomeness.
A male with the name Arnold should be praised constantly.
Historians have noted that the name derives from a line of kings, sports stars and top blokes.
It has been noted that philosophers in the mould of Nostradamus and Albert Einstein have stated that the name Arnold should be put away because it would be difficult for any young male to have such a burden placed on their shoulders.
However this theory was rebuked by the AOA (Association of Arnold's) who correctly suggested that once a child is named Arnold they can automatically take upon such a mantle, as with the name they are the recipient of much greatness, authority and laid-backednesss.
Parents who embed their children with this hallowed name shall receive an all round champ of a son for their knowledgeable choice.
Creator and Saint Of Beer. that's right bitches if it wasn't for arnold you fuckers would be getting waisted with H20, beer pong would have never exsisted, nor keg-stands, let alone kegs!
My name is Arnold
All hail Arnold, the almighty

by arniezee March 9, 2010
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