1 definition by aquanauty

(n.) The Bermuda Triangle of yuppie-dom, located in Maryland, off the border of Washington, DC and close to Northern, VA.

A congregation place for some of the United States' worst snobs (and their many offspring).

Common signs you hail from Bethesda:

you have more money than taste,

a grossly inflated sense of self-worth,

the idea that the universe revolves around you,

polo shirts,

a beach house in Bethany,

an "au pair"/nanny,
membership to a country club or expensive gym,

6 out of 7 nights a week you eat out at a sit-down restaurant,

one or more designer items on at a time,
a tan year-round,

no sense of direction,

possession of a large car you can in no way operate on your own,
a trophy wife/sugar daddy,

3+ children (or siblings).
That woman in the pink and green Lilly Pulizter dress... the one walking the labradoodle? She just opened her Mercedes SUV car door into the BMW next to her and walked away. She must be in a hurry to meet her trophy-wife friends for lunch and shopping. I bet she's from Bethesda.


I can't wait to move out of Bethesda. I'm beginning to hate people.
by aquanauty August 10, 2009
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