1 definition by aomm133

A character made by a talented person under the name of "Esp". This character is the "villain" in the series Where They Dismay. Along with the other important people (ex: witches, Void King, Optical), The Dwelling holds the most power and will do anything to make things go his way.

In Expansion 1, a most memorable moment in the whole franchise, now a joke between the cast is when Solenne was kicked down the stairs by The Dwelling.
Aom: "hey, i see you're named "the dwelling". so funny! i own multiple mansions, lamborghinis, and really expensive stuff that makes you want to speak to me. i also was labeled the #1 cat/dog replacement, you should 100% take that into consideration! oh, haha, silly! you want my number? of course! i'd always allow you to have my number. oh? you didn't ask? i swore you did! listen, you may have thrown one of the well written ocs down a random staircase, but that's okay! i believe we'll get along well. oh no.. i'm so sorry for my matters! i should introduce myself, sir. i am your #1 fan, the person who can replace any animals in your house as i can mimic any and all types of animal noises. i was labelled in a place formerly known as BS, now SO, as the ultimate waifu and some other admin reward, isn't that so cool? i was a co-owner once, a director at TP for 2 minutes, and so many other things! i'm rich as you can see, haha. i should've done this way before, i never meant to treat you with such disrespect. i treat people like you like you're a higher person; the royalty to my peasant. you SO want me now, right? no? what! oh, haha, i know why! is it because i didn't tell you that i am actually the president of 99.9% of the states in america? i rule all of them and i am everyone's favorite--"

The Dwelling: "Die."
by aomm133 September 1, 2021
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