2 definitions by antrocles

A chonky, thicc amphibious denizen of the SupDucks ecosystem. Known for their psychoactive properties, it is not uncommon for a SupDuck to lick a Megatoad's belly, rendering that Duck 'Wacky'. Known affectionately as "Chonks", Megatoads are highly complex creatures and have extremely detailed backgrounds which can be explored in the Chonk-lore section of the SupDuck's discord channel. Sup!
"Dude, my duck just licked a level 9 Megatoad and now he's got that "level 9 shine". "
"The only way to visit the Duck God is through the assistance of a chonky Megatoad."
"Bro...i mashed three ultra rare kingfrogs to make this epic Megatoad".
by antrocles June 19, 2023
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contraction of "what's up". something a duck might say while encountering a homie on the boardwalk. cooler than any other greeting simply because of it's brevity. three little letters that say so much. to say "sup" is to inquire, confirm, affirm and approve. it is a very comprehensive word.
"sup fam, how you feeling?"

"you know, just suppin' with my homies."
"that chonk is thicc af...imma go say sup."
"sup, Chip, what do you think about this new backpack?"
by antrocles June 12, 2023
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