3 definitions by anon54718463528

The most gorgeous person I have ever met. My boyfriend. I don't know why I waited so long to ask you out my love, but I'm so happy I did. If you ever did far enough through urban dictionary to find this. I love you. Coen is the sweetest person I have ever met, and is so talented in every way. His hair is fluffy and brown, although his head is very empty. He loves drums, starkid, hamilton, WW2, and me, of course. He works with his dad and has tried and failed to work 2 shops over from me. Sorry about that. Did I already mention that hes drop dead gorgeous? His perfect smile lights up the galaxy and his happiness could cure the depression epidemic. He may be unconfident, but that ok. I love him the way he is. Everyone loves him. Man gets hella bitches, like a slay queen. I don't think I'll ever find someone more perfect than you my love.
Coen: Hey, did you know that cats are cute?
Me: I love you.
by anon54718463528 March 25, 2023
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Me: I love you
by anon54718463528 April 2, 2023
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The number of people someone's kissed
Bro 1: What's your kiss count this year?
Bro 2: 3.
Bro 1: Damn I've got 6 just this week.
by anon54718463528 April 9, 2023
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