4 definitions by anklesocks

1. the best sports anime and manga out there. it has the most lovable characters and the best plot. if you do end up disliking a character, it would be yamaguchi and tendou's bullies. hinata/hinata would watch a million times over (and never get tired of it). you will come to love every single character ad every single team, even the ones who only showed up for a few episodes (cough terushima cough) and by the time the last arc rolls around, you will feel like you are losing a part of yourself that you didn't have before you watched haikyuu.

2. an anime with one of the chillest fanbases. almost anything goes in this fandom (except for oihina. dont come at me with that bullshit.)

2. one of the most memeable animes out there; everything said and done can be seen as a meme. for example:
oya oya oya
tooru oikawas favorite food is milk bread >:)
aGAWshiii :((
tokyo training camp

ueyy !!1!!!1!
u shouldve come to shiratorizawa
flat ass + godzilla's number one fan
bokuto and kuroo's bromance
niku niku niku (see also: meat is god)
bOke hinata bOke
tanaka and noya praying
rip daichi
bokuto's emo mode
salt dinosaur
shiiiirtorizawa dundundun/ gogo dateko/ any other cheer
rollingu sundaa

and so much more.
haikyuu has taken over my life for the past three years and i dont even give a rats ass
by anklesocks July 11, 2020
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Not to be confused with the game, but rather a way to call somebody fucking crazy
Person 1: yeah so I ate a whole family yesterday

Person2: you’re jenga bro what the fuck
by anklesocks January 25, 2019
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