2 definitions by aniston💚💚

He is an amazing guy and is as trustworthy as they get. He is funny, smart, althletic, and not to mention super hot! He is always there to support you and love you no matter what. But don't get on his bad side because he is ready to stand up to you and prove his dominance. I’d you are lucky enough to be his girlfriend, hold him close and never let go because he will be the best thing that ever happened to you. He has all of the girls falling for him because of his AMAZING personality. He is not shy to speak up for what’s right and you will have a super comforting feeling when he is around. I am so lucky to have him in my life!
Augustus is amazing
by aniston💚💚 December 19, 2019
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a box that has exactly 12 ripe purple potatoes wearing mustaches

pronounced (ex-ex-i-dok-ki- a)must have pause in between dok and ki.
i want an xhxidocciay for christmas!!!!
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