17 definitions by andy mack

adj. - a drunken buzz that usually onsets quickly.
..twoasted of the hizzy fo' shizzy my nizzy...
by andy mack September 12, 2005
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n. - ghetto slang refering to someone's car or car stereo system.
..that new Short Dog had my junk knockin' the gold outta nigga's grill...
by andy mack July 3, 2005
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Literally means "alcohol" in Japanese. In the English speaking world, sake refers to "Nihon-shu", Japanese rice wine.
Ichi-no-kura, my favorite. Served best chilled. "Umai desu yo!"
by andy mack April 12, 2005
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n. You'd better do this when you're not sure if you ended up with a Benny Boy at the local meat shack in Bangkok.
Always do a package check even though you think there is no way that the chick with no adam's apple, no body hair, smooth cheek bones and nice hips, is a MAN.
by andy mack August 8, 2005
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adj. - means "stupid" or "idiotic" in Japanese. Sometimes confused as a noun to mean "idiot", which is expressed as "baka-me" or "baka-yaro".
"Kono baka-yaro! Nani ittendayo! Baka wa bakame no imi ja naindayo! O-mae wa honto ni baka-gaijin da ne!
by andy mack April 12, 2005
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v. to falsify official documents, reports, logs, etc. especially in cases where work was not actually performed.

The area on old British warships below the upperdeck, to give a false perception of the actual amount of ammuniton onboard. This is supposedly how the term was derived.
"Rogge was too lazy to do the 7 day and gundecked the MAF like usual"

"Some people gundeck their whole resume to land top-notch IT jobs"
by andy mack April 16, 2005
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