1 definition by andioop1234

This site is the Urban Dictionary. This site does waste a lot of your time because you spend your time on it looking up random definitions that random people put on here. I mean, you could go be productive and find other definitions that are actually useful, but you know, who wants to go do that? Personally, I would rather go to my friends' house and be stupid, but here I am... telling you the definition of a dictionary... Well... Dang. Ya know, just don't go looking up anything dirty on here if you're on a school laptop... they will hunt you down to suspend you... Sooo, just saying, some of the crap on here is so untrue, so prepare to be slightly disappointed... Yah... You have officially wasted a whole minute of your life reading this definition.
"What's the definition of accountable?"
"I don't know, let me check the Urban Dictionary,"
by andioop1234 October 4, 2019
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