11 definitions by always love life

Anusha has great athlete abilities and a fantastic sense of humor. She's hyped up about almost everything. She's cool and a great person to be friends with.
Person 1: I really want to be on the winning team\
Person 2: Then join Anusha's team!
by always love life February 17, 2022
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Kelsey knows almost everything. She has great advice and everyone wants to be around her. She's had some dark moments but she's as cheery as a cherry! When her friend is sad she's there for them no matter what! She loves being outside and with animals. The whole world thinks she's different or odd, but she's got her whole crazy life under control. She loves talking and you'll never be bored around her.
Person 1: I need some advice
Person 2: why are you talking to me! go ask KELSEY
by always love life February 17, 2022
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Anna is an intelligent individual who knows almost everything. She always listens to everyone's side, even if she doesn't care at all. She has a dark side to her, but she knows what can make you happiest. She has her own bubble, where she is an extrovert. Yet to most she seems more like a shy and quiet introvert. Overall she has a good heart and a warm era.
Person 1: She's so quiet, who is she?
Person 2: It's ANNA, quiet but fantastic.
by always love life February 17, 2022
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Ananya's got it all. Her only flaw is that she needs to stay committed to her friends, her life, and dreams.
Person 1: that girl has it all
Person 2: she's probably an Ananya
Person 3:ohh that makes sense
by always love life February 15, 2022
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Ananyas are the most wonderful people you will ever meet. She has the ability to turn a bad day into a good one with their sweet smile and outgoing demeanor personality. She is incredible at everything she does. Ananya is pretty both on the inside and out. She is a natural extrovert who is amazing. Ananyas are amazing at making friends. It's as if it's their superpower. Ananya is the person to go to if you're ever down and need some advice. Ananya's got it all. She is most likely the most extraordinary individual you have ever seen. If you have an Ananya in your life, you are making the biggest mistake of your life by letting her go.
Person 1: This girl's got it all
Person 2; she's probably an Ananya
by always love life February 18, 2022
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She's smart and cool. Everyone wants to be around her. Whether it's in volleyball or Minecraft she's the best person ever. She's got a group of cool friends and she still makes time for others. She's got great marks and scores in everything.
Person 1: I suck at everything!
Person 1: No way! Dhanvi can help you with everything!
by always love life February 17, 2022
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Sibal is a wonderful person to spend time with. She has a fantastic sense of fashion. Sibal is a multi-talented artist. You can't help but notice how attractive she is when you're around her (on the inside and out). She is a natural leader who knows how to choose her companions. In general, she has a pleasant era. She may be a little corky, but she's good at giving advice. She is one of the greatest people you will ever meet.
Person 1 : this girl is THE best
Person 2: oh really, maybe she's a SIBAL
Person 1: oh that makes sense
by always love life February 17, 2022
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