1 definition by akay66

Lila is the girl who turns heads in the hallway, but doesn't realize it. She is so much more beautiful than she thinks she is, and tends to disagree with people when they tell her she looks pretty. She's the girl with the light brown hair and a greenish blue eyes that every girl envies. She has a lot of friends but her inner circle tends to be about 5-6 people. She will love you unconditionally, but don't take her for granted. She can make your life a living hell if she wants to. She is absolutely hilarious, sarcastic, and fun. She has that smile that can light up a whole room. She is loyal beyond compare and you will never find anyone more dedicated than her. She gives the best gifts, and always brings things for her friends, even if there is no special occasion. She loves the holidays, but tends to be shy at parties that include family. She has been through a lot. She knows what it's like to be crying on the bathroom floor at 2am because of a boy probably and she tries her best to make sure nobody has to go through that like she did. She just wants to be happy and for other people to be happy too. She loves the color blue, I guess it's the appearance of it like a void or mysterious beauty. She is very wise. She can make anyone smile no matter what. She always wants to help people.
"shoot your shot Lila, he'll say yes!"
"Lila's so beautiful "
by akay66 March 25, 2020
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