1 definition by adam 65

"Fate determines the charecter" long ago 'Sophocleas'

a Greek philospher proposed the theory.However the

subject is still a debatable issue,some says "man is

capable enough to make his own destiny"but some

are still stick up with this theory.But there is one more

group who advocate that "human life is totaly a fusion of

fate and struggle".A man's destiny is always decide

by supernatural power ,even sometimes we might have

heard that "fortune favours the brave"but exceptions

are always open.Sometimes we even curse our fate

when our bat time is running,so directly or indirectly

a human destiny is releated with god.Once the theory

of fate get going with anyone's life then "Airstotle's"

theory of tragedy prove wrong where he feel pitty and

terror about a man when he faces the tragedy.

so what is the unique defination of 'fate',i belife nobody can

define 'fate' in concrete terms but only can assume the

power of destiny,the ultimate thing of luck is it comes

of own and at anytime.
Fate never supports one to grow but yet there is someone who does support!!!
by adam 65 May 4, 2005
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