1 definition by abbysareamazing

if you date a abby you are the most lucky guy on earth, she usually has one main friend group but some friends outside of that group. She gives the best advice anyone could ask for and most of the time has brown hair and brown eyes she is super loyal to everyone and has her heart dedicated to one main person she always wants to talk to that one person but sometimes feels annoying when she texts him first and when he text her first almost no matter what it is she gets really happy and HATES being left on open/read and when you do that to her she will get mad. Abbys are always beautiful, pretty, cute, etc. If you were to date an abby like i said before you are hella lucky cause there are so many other guys she couldve gone for but she choose you most of the time abbys are very athletic and into gymnastics, soccer and softball. She has a lot of friends that have betrayed her in the past but most if the time has one friend thats been with her since day one.
Mike: Ouu look at her she must be an abby I kinda wanna go ask her out

Sarah: No, dont do that I heard shes dating Brandon

Mike: Oh darn

Sarah: Omg abby just gave me the best advice

Reagan: We used to be like really close now i dont really like her

Sarah: Oh that sucks shes the best!
by abbysareamazing March 14, 2018
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