1 definition by aVeryNorthernLass

Hull is a city in the north east of England. Often slagged off by the entire population of Britain, Hull isn’t an entirely bad place. Named city of culture 2017, Hull has redeemed itself; building shopping centres such as st Stephens, and princes quay, and completely re doing the town centre. Hull is vibrant and unique. You would not recognise it 5/6 years ago.

Yes, there are still druggies and chavs roaming the streets, but go to any city and there will be. The education system has been completely transformed, with 75% 5 GCSE pass rate, and an excellent university. All of you that hate Hull and slag us off, come spend a day here and see how your opinion is changed.
It’s never dull in Hull!
by aVeryNorthernLass July 6, 2018
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