1 definition by _realitydefined

Someone from Schuylkill County, PA who has yellow snaggle teeth and smells like driving by a farm on a hot sunny day. They smoke cigarettes with kids in the car, drink alcohol with kids in the car, place buckets of Pine-Sol throughout their home to cover up the smell of cat piss/shit. They most likely live near a junkyard, rely on Suboxone and drink alcohol like water. They have very poor grammar and pronounce words incorrectly. Things like "yous" (more than 1 person), "punkin" instead of pumpkin. "Old Timers" instead of Alzheimer's. Just your typical white trash yokels who don't know the first thing about what it takes to live a life on their own.
Wow, that man looks like a pedo and has snaggle teeth and sexually assaults women in their sleep. He must be a skook.

Wow, that woman was hot until I saw her smile. She looks like an anorexic alcoholic and probably thinks every man wants her. She must be a skook.
by _realitydefined December 15, 2019
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