1 definition by _lil.pussy.eater_

A rapper crew, also known as Ekip (which means team), who has around 15 members (Freeze Corleone, Afro Samourai, Norsacce Berlusconi, Osirus Jack, Black Jack, Zuukou Mayzie, Kix Kaki, Odeuxzero, Lala Ace, Slim C, Dubble G, Sogui, Doc OVG, Congo Bill...) who are very controversial because they don't give a fuck of what the media says, they provoke them even more, the are like the French insert edgy band or rapper name from the 90's. They have their very own vocabulary, the use words like OVG (Original Voyou Gang, who is a Senegalese rapper), MMS (MangeMort Squad), NRM (Nouveau Rap Mondial), LDO (Ligue Des Ombres), Lin (Lean), Xan (Xanax), etc...
667, MMS, LDO NRM OVG (ekip, ekip, ekip)
J'ingurgite du Lin du matin au soir, (pétasse)
J'suis dans le Xan, au moins 3 drogues dans le sang (ekip, pétasse)
by _lil.pussy.eater_ December 29, 2021
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