2 definitions by Zeus, Alpha of Gods

Verb. To absolutely just obliterate anything, own the moment, dominate a place, and just be the most alpha in a situation
"Yo how did you do in that exam?" "Gronked it bro that shit was cake"
"Did y'all end up hitting the bars last night?" "Yeah dawg we actually had a fat squad and gronked every bar we were in"
by Zeus, Alpha of Gods December 15, 2018
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Verb. To absolutely just obliterate anything, own the moment, dominate a place, and just be the most alpha in a situation
"Yo how did you do in that exam?" "Gronked it bro that shit was cake"
"Did y'all end up hitting the bars last night?" "Yeah dawg we actually had a fat squad and gronked every bar we were in"
by Zeus, Alpha of Gods December 15, 2018
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