1 definition by ZerohopezerO

To feel empty inside yourself. You can try and fake smile but at the end of the day you are alone and know that this life is pretty much bullshit. To know or imagine someone likes or loves you but won't ever let you face them because of mistakes or embarrassment is what heartbroken means. Two people love each other but can't face each other is like hell. Your only hope is that there might be a heaven and the person you love wants to meet you there too. and if heaven doesn't exist then you never get to see the one person you just want to hug and never let go. It is torture to Be heartbroken 💔
I tried to move on in my life but the only thing I want is to know my soulmate isn't sick and suffering. I yearn to give her the biggest hug. I am heartbroken but I won't stop thinking of her and my only hope is we meet in heaven one day. Please know I miss you dearly and I'm so sorry you are heartbroken.
by ZerohopezerO January 1, 2018
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