2 definitions by ZeroGヅ

A Sniper rifle in csgo in which russians CRAVE to get
Guy 1: "Buys AWP"
Russian: Yo man pls drop AWP I swear i have good with it
Guy 1: No
Russian: i hope you die bitch
Guy 1: "Rounds start" Watch this Bitch. "Fucking 360 no scopes the Russian"
Russian: Черт возьми, я надеюсь, что ты умрешь сука чертовски куда {FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU MOTHER DIE BITCH FUCKING WHORE}
by ZeroGヅ July 8, 2019
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Something a fucking eraser said in Mario Maker 2
Mario: "Gives the eraser the appropriate items"
Eraser: Thank You! I'll go off these bricks now! "Eraser commits suicide to erase brick from existence then reappears itself back into existence"
Mario: W h a t A n d W h y
by ZeroGヅ July 8, 2019
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