1 definition by Zephyrnotfoundwastaken

Catgender is a xenogender related to cats. While it is usually used by neurodivergent people who use xenogenders to better understand their identity (not all neurodivergent people struggle with that though!), neurotypical people can use it too.

Someone who is cat gender will usually feel a really strong connection to cats. Most Catgender people DO NOT identify as cats.

However, it can be used by cat therians and other non-human identities, along with people who experience delusions of being a cat.

Some pronouns that Catgender people use can be/are: Nya/nyan/nyans/nyans/nyanself, mew/mew/mews/mews/mewself, meow/meow/meows/meows/meowself, cat/cat/cats/cats/catself, purr/purr/purrs/purrs/purrself.

However, not every Catgender person will use these pronouns, and not every Catgender person will use all of them.
Person A: Hey, I have something to tell you.

Person B: Oh? What is it?

Person A: I'm Catgender and I use Nya/nyanself pronouns now, along with (insert other pronouns)

Person B: Dude what? You can't be a cat.

Person A: I don't identify as a cat, this is a common misconception of Catgender. I just feel as really strong connection to cats and feel as though that connection influences my gender identity.

Person B: Oh I get it now, I am sorry for assuming (Name). I'm glad you thought I was a safe person to come out too :)
by Zephyrnotfoundwastaken October 17, 2022
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