1 definition by ZarcoG

A highly derisive insult implying the subject is a person of low intelligence and risible character.

Evoking the toxic legacy of disgraced former President Donald J. Trump, the epithet is spoken with unmitigated contempt across America and around the world.

Particularly poignant in reference to corrupt public officials and businessmen, the term — like the malign German ancestral surname it derives from — the appellation denotes extraordinary ignorance, malice, pettiness, dereliction of duty, misogyny, racial animus, greed, selfishness, vanity, entitlement, and amorality, deceit and nepotism.
“Like Hitler and Stalin — who adopted new surnames — the Drumpfs changed their name of vanity and insecurity.”

“Jason spewed verbal diarrhoea out of his mouth, embarrassing himself and the organization. He behaved like an intolerable Drumpf.”

“Shaw is accused of defrauding the employee pension fund, going full Drumpf where he had a duty of care.”

“You made a total ass of yourself, stop being a Drumpf.”

“Drumpf proved America’s worst ever President, and did much damage, but the Republic survived and thrived, throwing off the mantle of Drumpfism and leading the free world anew.
by ZarcoG January 20, 2021
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