4 definitions by Zan3 Fr0m Th3 Int3rn3t

is a person that is always bickering about something; person that constantly complains.
Did you see that cunt over there in line literally complaining about everything. She was a straight up bickenhead.
by Zan3 Fr0m Th3 Int3rn3t May 13, 2018
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To Wetmiller or the act of Wetmillering is discerned and perceived as perhaps the most homosexual pose you can perform while drinking alcohol or just in any situation or scenario imaginable and could quite possibly be a mating display that homosexual butt-fucking faggots use to attract their next turd pusher. To perform this homosexual mating display while you're chugging a beer or a bottle of liquor you simultaneously ball your hand into a fist then extend your fist in an upward direction, like a single fist pump. This pose, first performed by the spartans was later on recreated by a flamboyant speech-impediment stricken-lispy faggot, that claims to have started the KCCO "drinking movement" and that his hashtag "#wetmiller" went viral but was really only mentioned 431 times on instagram. Upon the recreating of this once masculine war yell and fist thrust, was completely demasculinized and witnessed in shit-hole bars being performed by proud LGBT and homosexuals to attract an anal sex partner for the night
"How am I supposed to find a dude that's single? Everyone looks like they are coupled up."
"Oh well, dude just do what all the single dudes have been doing. People are calling it the Wetmiller. Its like a bat signal for 'hey i am looking for gay dick' try it out"
*does the wetmiller and immediately attracts a mate*
"Holy fuck dude, wetmillering really works!"
by Zan3 Fr0m Th3 Int3rn3t February 16, 2019
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"Did you hear about that place going out of business?"
"Shit yeah bro, the Christmas Palace!! that fucking place rocks. I went and got me a nut cracker and a bad ass authentic elf suit. I can't believe they are shutting down though. Its getting so clothes to Christmuth"
by Zan3 Fr0m Th3 Int3rn3t February 17, 2019
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is a word used to describe an individual that is a Caucasian that has sexually promiscuous encounters with a person that is of African decent, better known as black pipo. Also known as a Mud shark.

can also be used as a reference to a homosexual male white pipo that only burglars the turds of homosexual male black pipo.
Did you see Layla? She was all over that black pipo dude at the bar last night. Isn't she married?
Dude, yes! I saw that but what do you expect she is a coal miner, I mean her husband is black pipo that she lives with.

Ewww gross look at that shit. That white pipo fag is all over that black pipo dude

Yeah that is disgusting . I can deal with fags but I cannot watch a coal miner in action
by Zan3 Fr0m Th3 Int3rn3t August 8, 2018
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