1 definition by Yumicakes

Just, simply, another word for asian. A word that has nothing, at all, to do with your stereotype, personality, or anything of the sort. A word in which anyone/everyone uses, just as much as they use other shortened versions of things.

The word doesn't have much to do with the way you type, neither. It's just simply another way to write/type asian.

It has little to do with culture, although it is more than likely asians will use it (because they are azn/asian?), but it is no different than calling someone asian. It means the same thing -- and it DOES NOT make the person who they are.
I do, indeed, have pride in my country, but who doesn't? My hair is black, I never play games (I despise them), I go to school, and I know everything about my heritage just about. I live in the place one of my parents was born, and have visited the other. I do not embarrass my nation by calling myself azn -- everyone does it. I am not ghetto, not a nerd, not a wigger, not a prep, not a skater. I'm a hardcore chick and I am 100 percent AZN. :
by Yumicakes January 5, 2006
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