1 definition by Yourlittlerabit

God-like; hero; adam on adam and eve; lucky charm; warrior
You’re one of the luckiest if you have a man called “Barrie”. Not barry, or barney but BARRIE. This Barrie is a rare species and if you find yourself meeting this species, grab him by the d*ck, take him home, cook him crispy bacon, then marry him. Barrie means you’ve got a loyal, witty, kind, smart man who will never leave your side. He will support you, love you, and adore you until it hurts. Barrie means tall, white, and handsome too. They usually have blue to gray eyes with light brown hair and perfectly imperfect nose. He is one in a million and unlike any man you will ever met
“I’m looking forward to my Barrie ever after”
Rate that guy from 1 to Barrie”
“I saw a Barrie earlier so I’m gonna buy lotto tickets tonight!”
“Neurologists think they are Gods, that they are Barries’”
by Yourlittlerabit June 7, 2021
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