2 definitions by YourFriendlyNeighborhoodFaggot

The most super sped captain of an elite team of faggots known as the Chromie Homies. Captain Austismo is a hero to not be reckoned with, as he will Defiently give you Down Syndrome
Tard Wrangler: Oh Shit! Captain Austimo’s coming!
Have no fear faggots Captain Autismo is here! (Is this copyrighted? Well Shit)
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The most powerful, super group of speeds to ever roam the world! Their quest is to rid the world of all things Gay and eViL. The Chromosomes will live on! With their Captain, The Helmet, Tourette’s, A creature known as WWW, Anyerismo, Mr.Chromtastic, Downy Boi, and The Caretaker(who is the only normal person in this stupid ass group). Together they will stop all evil and get rid of the gay(and Helseth)
Oh Shit! The Chromie Homies are here!
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