1 definition by YourDickStinks

The year where you will walk into hell and ask yourself where the fuck did those short ass boys from last year go, until you realize those motherfuckers are standing at 6ft tall and your trying not to fuck yourself because they weren't this tall last year. So you do what anyone does and force yourself not to simp for them. Most 8th graders are stupid as hell and do a bunch wank shit to look cool but they just look like fucking losers. 8th grade is the time in your life were you get to see graffiti on school property saying get me out of this shithole, or fuck this school we put this bitch. I mean who wouldnt be hyped after being trapped in hell for three fucking years like bitch I want out. Anyways, highschool we're coming for you nigga.
Mary went into the bathroom and noticed shit and period blood slimed on the walls. "Well damn, I thought 8th grade wouldnt be this way. Cant wait til I'm out this bitch."
by YourDickStinks September 5, 2020
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