2 definitions by Your Old Uncle Bill

A Southern U.S. expression for a very large specimen of anything. Often used to describe a big fish. Also commonly used to refer to a big lie.
I had a real gollywhopper on the hook, but my line broke before I got it in the boat.

Bubba didn't have a good reason for getting home late, so he made up some big gollywhopper about having a flat tire.
by Your Old Uncle Bill December 23, 2013
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A Southern U.S. expression meaning to fish by hand. (A synonym for noodling.) A grappler goes into the water, feels for a hole which may be occupied by a catfish, and entices the catfish to bite his hand. The grappler then wrestles the catfish to the surface.
We're going grappling for catfish today, so get the hushpuppies ready!
by Your Old Uncle Bill December 23, 2013
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