2 definitions by Yoloswagbot

A person who screams way too much and sexually identifies as a Johnbat. A person who is 500% white but still claims to be 50% Native American because his dad is 25% Native American. Also a world renowned singer most well known the Legacy of a Legend John Lewis edition game of the year edition. He holds a high fear of Mexicans with praying Mantises. Also that one guy.
Rebeca: I am partially Native American

John Lewis: I am better than you because I am 50007% Native American therefore I am truly better than you will ever hope to be
by Yoloswagbot December 13, 2017
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A person that may or may not be wearing a white sweatshirt who may or may not have an affinity for CD players and goes to the bathroom
He is an oliver lamer
by Yoloswagbot December 12, 2017
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