3 definitions by Yokchranko

The highest form of Catholicism, shalt ye be ready to die when come thy day. Dress as a Templar to show your holiness and ignore the sinners and Satanist.
"I am a Knight Templar, ready to die for Deus and destroy thy wicked'
by Yokchranko February 20, 2020
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Latin Surname
Derives from the ancient Alzate family in Basque Spain during the War of Bands Civil War. Since then, very minimum has been known about the name meaning. It could just be a normal surname with any meaning. But speculations say it derives from Alts - Alder Tree, and Ate- Harbor, entrance.

Possible definition: Entrance to Life, Gateway to Life.
Gaius Carpe Alzate
by Yokchranko February 2, 2020
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A bunch of Anti-Christian/Semite neckbeards who eat slop and write sjw articles.

Bill: Fuck the Wall Street journal, fatass shitters 🖕🏻
by Yokchranko February 22, 2020
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