3 definitions by Ymmmmmmf

These kids are chill, born in the early-mid 2000s.

They grew up playing on sixth and seventh gen consoles, and Pixar movies are their life.
Hey man, what movies did you grow up watching?

Cars, Toy Story, Monsters Inc

Yeah you’re a 2000s kid alright
by Ymmmmmmf May 15, 2020
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An American navy aircraft carrier. Notably the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier and one of the longest at the time.

A series of fictional starships from one of the best franchises of all time.
The uss enterprise was the coolest spaceship ever!
by Ymmmmmmf June 24, 2019
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A terrible toxic habit of the internet where misinformed people who only know part of the story attack often innocent people or groups of people over something which they(the cancellers) view as bad, and continue to do so in an attempt to destroy the victim’s career with no regard for the victim’s personal life.
A bunch of uneducated rats tried to cancel Julia this morning because of a joke she made. Luckily, others came to her defense before they could so she wouldn’t be a victim of cancel culture.
by Ymmmmmmf October 15, 2020
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