2 definitions by YahhhYeet!

The ugliest most annoying girl in the world. She will call you nonstop if you’re her friend and give her your number. Also, she is super rude and when you don’t wanna be friends with her, she will harass you and stalk you until your her friend again. She also is a brat and if you have a roblox account she will give her password to like 100 people but when she finally gets hacked by someone she will accuse you of it cause she is super dumb.
My sister: “Oh my god Lanie keeps spamming me with annoying messages”

Me: “Why don’t you just block her number?”

My sister: “It won’t work! She’ll just get a fake number and text me from there.”
by YahhhYeet! June 5, 2019
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Of Course. This one confused me a lot as well.
"Dude, what are you going to be doing tonight?"

"Bowling Ofc."

"What does Ofc mean?"

" Of course, ya dingus."
by YahhhYeet! February 11, 2018
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