5 definitions by Y9e0ah

Someone who is greedy. A greedy, avaricious person.
"William H. Vanderbilt once said, 'The public be damned.! I only care about my property.'"

"He was a real greedophile."
by Y9e0ah May 9, 2014
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Deliberately controversial or spurious content on a website with the deliberate intention of attracting as many hits as possible.
This story has no basis in fact! It is just click fodder to get me onto this website!
by Y9e0ah June 2, 2013
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A stooge who applauds with the deliberate intention to make someome look more popular/funnier than they actually are.
-Did you notice the amount of applause lines she got?
-I'm pretty sure that was just sycophantic clakkers.
by Y9e0ah February 13, 2016
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Evokes someone with whom one has a carefree, innocent, hopeful, gentle friendship. Bucolic wanderers and dreamy wonderers. Those with which to share a sun-drenched youth.
"As a child, Johnny Mercer, (lyricist of the song 'Moon River'), picked huckleberries (like wild blueberries) in the summer. To him, the berries had a personal connection with a carefree boyhood, strengthened by association with Mark Twain's character Huckleberry Finn. The implication was that Holly Golightly, who was actually of hillbilly stock, and Huckleberry Finn might well have been friends, if ever they had met." from 'Love Me Tender: The Stories Behind the World's Favourite Songs' by Max Cryer.

Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you're going, I'm going your way.
Two drifters, off to see the world
There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end,
Waiting round the bend,
My huckleberry friend,
Moon River, and me.
by Y9e0ah April 6, 2014
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verb. To talk aimlessly or idly using information technology.

noun. Aimless or idle talk on information technology.

Portmanteau of 'ordinateur', (French for 'a computer, a computing device), and 'natter', (a chat, an informal talk. As a mass noun: chatter, aimless talk).
> She keeps sending me inane messages on Facebook. I'm becoming tired of her ordinattering.

> I enjoy having a mixture of important geopolitical articles and mindless ordinatter on my Twitter feed. The homely helps put the weighty in perspective.

> I intended to do some work but instead I spent the entire time ordinattering on Whatsapp.
by Y9e0ah May 25, 2015
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