2 definitions by Xxcutex

If someone finds you dope, either they’re crushing on you or they find you cool depending on the context. Overall, dope is a slang word used to describe a passion towards something or someone.
by Xxcutex March 25, 2019
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Hind is an Arabic female name. Most people with this name are confident but have many insecurities pushing them down but they still manage they also try to face their fears and problems instead of running away from them Most people will be jealous of this girl and many people would like to use her, she has gone through so much but still manages a smile on her face but one thing to know about her is that you will be so lucky if your ever friends with her she's a life long lasting friend that will never back stab you
Hind would be one of the purest people you'll ever meet
by Xxcutex December 20, 2017
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