2 definitions by Xkingswagbot

A fat Fiji boy who lies about things that he doesn't have for example people that like him,shoes and how much his whole wardrobe costs (£30) he plays rugby and is only good at it because he's about the size of 50 adalia roses.keivaughn(autistic) makes fun of khameli because his shoes are more than his allowance and he got an iPhone 6s + in a girls colour he whips people with sticks cause he's fucking sad and final fact he's never tasted a single drop of clean water.
Person 1:(whips you in the leg with a stick with his flabby hands)

Person2: you cunt fuck off no one even likes you your whole outfit is half the price of my shoes so stop being a khameli you tramp
by Xkingswagbot March 30, 2017
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Lots of people think he's weird since he has rando orgasms in public places he usually looks like an alien and blames things on people who have done nothing wrong and sometimes makes sketchy noises which points out he has autism and is going to die the same way as Nicos mum which is by chocking on your pillow
Person1:ausuuahhaush(autistic noises)

Person2:stop being such a keivaughn
by Xkingswagbot March 30, 2017
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