1 definition by XhyloZecrus

A woman who claims to be a Feminist (believes in equal rights between men and women (men and women are seen as equal BUT NOT THE SAME!!)) but is actually a massive misandrist (hatred towards men) who believes women are the superior gender and that men should d*e out. (Which wouldn’t work because it would eventually lead to extinction.)
Feminazi Ideologies look like:
*Hairy and arm pits* (cough cough…harambe…)
*Spouting misandrist comments*
*encourages women to look like whales*
*dyes hair blue and screams like a banshee just by looking at a man*
*Tries to frame normal men at the gym as “creeps” and “perverts”*
*“Men should d*e” “F*** Men.” “Men are sexist pigs.”*
And so on.

If you got offended by this definition, I hope you know a woman wrote this :)
by XhyloZecrus June 17, 2023
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