77 definitions by Xero _ Manifest

Whenever France goes to what they call "war". They always pussy out in the middle of the war and become the winning nations ass slave until the US goes to help them.
France has been through so many of these so called "wars", and in every case it was just one French Execution to another.
by Xero _ Manifest November 3, 2010
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An emo boy writes a song or poem and cries. A girl reads or hears it, the goes out with him out of pitty. The emo boy gets laid. The girl realizes that she doesn't even like hik and breakes up with him. Then, out of depression, the emo boy writes a song or poem about how sad he is. Another girl reads or hears it , and the cycle repeats itself.
The emo cycle is a self sustaining cycle of God!!!
by Xero _ Manifest December 3, 2010
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A holiday that was originally meant to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ ,even though nobody really knows when he was born. Fortunately for kids, nobody really gives a shit about that part. In modern days, its all about adults bitching about much money they have to spend on their kids only to have the ungrateful little bastards bitch and moan about how they didn't get everything they wanted. Also a day that somehow went from celebrating the birth of Christ to a day celebrating a fat guy in a red suit that breaks into peoples houses and leaves presents under a tree that for some reason is indoors decorated with all kinds of cheap crap. Talk about selling out. Jesus would not be happy :(
Christmas is by far the greatest marketing scheme of all time. The commercials usually start mid November, completely ignoring Thanksgiving, and thanks to all the propoganda, it insures that all the stores can raise their prices only to say that it's a super limited Christmas "bargain." All in all, Christmas is a great holiday, so fuck it, Merry Friggin Christmas to all and to all a good night. Just remember that National Hangover Day is right around the corner
by Xero _ Manifest December 26, 2011
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Something that is literally unheard of. It is a person who has never had sexual intercourse and has never masturbated. Physically impossibe for all guys above the age of 12, but may be possible for some females.
If by any chance you, the reader, are a legit virgin, and if you are by any chance over 12, you need to kill yourself, or get some pussy/dick if you're a chick. Which ever comes first.
by Xero _ Manifest December 26, 2011
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A state of mind where one finds themselves so bored in their home that they start to crave snack food for no reason. Everyone's had that feeling before, one minuite you're sitting on the couch, and next you're in the kitchen wondering why you went in there. Also one of the leading cases of obesity among Mexican American children.
Fatass: It's so hard to lose weight, the damn wonder bites keep getting to me. Black Guy: That's why we need to get you in another state of mind brotha, here smoke this shit....
by Xero _ Manifest November 9, 2010
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To have sex a dead person of the same sex as you. In other words, gay necrophilia. Can be used as a derogitory phrase to someone who is creepy as hell.
Guy 1: That guy's so creepy, he's always alone, and yesturday I saw him eat things out of the trash can! Guy 2: Wtf? Really? Guy 1: Yeah, he's so fuckin creepy. Guy 2: Hahah, he probably has necrofagia! Guy: Hahahahaha!! Yeah probably!!
by Xero _ Manifest January 15, 2011
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A person who is against things like cursing, sexual orientated moments, and other "unappropriate" topics. These people are annoying to be around, and to be honest, typically female. They prefer to use euphomisms in place of swear words, like "What the funk", "ohh sheet",etc.
Bro 1: So man, what's the deal with that chick over there? Bro 2: Sally? You don't want her, She's a Human V-Chip. She'll just annoy the hell out of you
by Xero _ Manifest March 26, 2011
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