2 definitions by Xantores

A guy that rages and has alot of teethstones in his teeth while he draws out his nuclear bomb every once in a while if an igelkott goes into his butt it will draw out a Tsar Bomba so be careful about someone who got the name eronsteron. If you see someone that got the name eronsteron don't go close to them or their eyes will fuck you up also.
by Xantores December 8, 2022
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A guy that is the upgraded version of eronsteron and his Tsar Bomba to a greater power, which resembles into it destroying kakumei goku. And his igelkott has also grown so his igelkott is so powerful that it can kill anyone with a tap, and also his eyes have evolved into it being the rotten stink which will do that if a human took a smell they would die instantly from the disgusting smell.
eronsteron chapter 2
by Xantores August 26, 2023
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