1 definition by Wythenshawe

Wythenshawe/wythy is a town in Manchester, second biggest council estate in Europe and you would not want to live there... or go or even look there, every street is a disgrace and you can smell marijuana 24/7, scallys walk around the streets looking for beef because there bored of there living as low-life's, girls loose there virginity at 13 and have a terrible attitude, most girls from here act sweet trying to hide it but trust me we know your secrets, guys try to get in any girls pants here because everyone's vulnerable around them, if I were you I would stay out of this town because the wythenshawe kids are like a firework, one little trigger like a rumour or anything small, BOOM! It all kicks off and everyone suddenly becomes involved in wythenshawe cause once again there bored, they usually target people from the "posh" areas (like timperly, altrincham, broadeith and sale etc.) because those kids are too good for them and the wythenshawe chavs don't like that, and if your reading this from wythenshawe, go fuck yourself😉
Posh kid 1: don't go to wythenshawe I heard it's full of scums and slags
Posh kid 2: I know right I accidentally got the bus 11 not realising it would take me round there and trust me, worst moment ever
Wythenshawe kid: yo what you saying batty boy*whilst smoking a spliff and holding a knife towards the posh kids*
by Wythenshawe May 2, 2018
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